Tuesday, August 27, 2013


I really hated football in high school. I never wanted to play and now, 15 years later my shoulders still hurt me all the time (dislocated them both playing). It is BS the line they feed you about pain being temporary and glory forever. It is actually the other way around. What really sucked is the coaches were falling all over themselves to get me to play. One blackmailed me by giving me bad grades and told my parents my grades would likely improve if I "participated in some extra-curricular activities like football." So you'd think when I broke down and agreed to play they'd have gone all out for me. No. It was only after I refused to play in pads that were 4 sizes too small that they went and found a used set at a college campus and then my uniform was hand-made by my mom who took apart several pairs of football pants and sewed in extra strips to make a pair big enough for me. Same for the jersey. She hand-made my basketball jerseys from scratch. Of course they didn't want me playing basketball, because I wasn't any good so eventually I quit it.

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