Tuesday, August 27, 2013


I really hated football in high school. I never wanted to play and now, 15 years later my shoulders still hurt me all the time (dislocated them both playing). It is BS the line they feed you about pain being temporary and glory forever. It is actually the other way around. What really sucked is the coaches were falling all over themselves to get me to play. One blackmailed me by giving me bad grades and told my parents my grades would likely improve if I "participated in some extra-curricular activities like football." So you'd think when I broke down and agreed to play they'd have gone all out for me. No. It was only after I refused to play in pads that were 4 sizes too small that they went and found a used set at a college campus and then my uniform was hand-made by my mom who took apart several pairs of football pants and sewed in extra strips to make a pair big enough for me. Same for the jersey. She hand-made my basketball jerseys from scratch. Of course they didn't want me playing basketball, because I wasn't any good so eventually I quit it.

Army recruiter

When I was in high school I was like a lot of other teens. I got a few calls from the Army recruiter at my parents' house. I guess he got my information from the school. About the second time he called I told him I wasn't interested (again) and that I couldn't even get in the Army because of my weight. He asked me how tall I was and how much I weighed. I told him - 6'4" and 350 pounds. His response: "Dear God. How do you even move?" That's when I hung up the phone and check "military service," off my bucket list.

Just didn't make me feel good.

My ex-wife was a tiny filipina girl from Australia. I went to visit there once and we went on a road trip with her parents in their van. They wanted me to ride in the back seat and sit in the very middle of the van. I later found out it was because they thought I would make the van drive crooked if I sat on one side or the other.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Who knew?

So apparently large, burly, gay men are called "Bears." Who knew? I didn't, not until I was working as a bouncer in a night club in Denver, where I apparently gave off the "gay" vibe because during my 10-month tenure there I was hit on my no less than three gay men and just one woman. My first experience being hit on by a gay man was startling to say the least. I'd never have suspected this 6-foot tall man in dirty blue jeans, heavy work boots, a dirty plaid shirt and a tobaggan with a tangle of dirty blond hair and beard (picture a lumberjack. That's just what he looked like), was gay until he winked at me. It only got weirder from there. Later he caught me walking past his  table, stood up and grabbed me by the shoulders and did the whole Jack Nicholson scene in Batman (you know the whole "You are my number one guy" scene). "You are one big, sexy, good-looking, bear of a man and I dig it," he said while rubbing my shoulders in the process. "Um, thanks," said I, before booking it to another part of the bar. Second gay man was CLEARLY gay and wanted me to dance with him on the dance floor and the third was no so clearly gay, but certainly made a show of it when he offered to tip me $20 to walk him to the restroom (he wasn't so drunk he couldn't make the 10-foot walk by himself). Apparently being outrageously oversized is a major turn off for most ladies, but for decent looking gay men (I'm no judge but they weren't ugly or overweight) I'm "doable." Who knew!?

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Take that fit people

I was remembering today a time back in college when a couple of buddies and I were working out several times a week. We'd lift weights for an hour, jog and then play racketball or b-ball for an hour. I'd been doing a lot of sit-ups, which really helped my lower back (ruptured discs suck). One day I went into the weight room and when the sit-up bench came up I got over and set it at the steepest incline. I was about to lock my feet in when I saw several very fit girls and guys around me staring at me with looks of "Yeah right!" on their faces. I just smiled and locked my feet in. I did 10 sit-ups in quick succession, counted to 10 and did 10 more. I did this until I hit 50 and then unlocked my feet and stood up. Apparently those fit people hadn't gone back to working out. They were all standing there, mouths open, in the same position they'd been when I started. I just smiled at them and said, "Next." and went over and started curling the 50-pound dumbbells 5 reps of 10 each arm. I'm not sure anything ever felt better than the looks on those faces when I finished my sit-ups. Every time I think of it I picture that scene from "The New Guy;" "Who's the bitch, noowww?" LOL


Girls be hatin'

Ladies, don't hate me because you think you're too good for me. Hate me because you know I've got nicer boobs than you do.

Yogurt ain't got no milk

The other day I was heading into a frozen yogurt shop when this really rather attractive woman in her early 20s came walking out with a double scoop. I smiled in her direction and she gave me the whole "lip snarl, rolling eyes of disgust" look. I couldn't help it, I yelled, "Hey! I was smiling at the yogurt. But from the look of that training bra you've got on, the yogurt ain't the only thing that's lactose free around here."

Dream a little dream.

I dreamed about having sex for the second night in a row last night. Not surprising. I haven't had sex in 7 years and haven't had good sex in 8. It is not that I haven't had a few offers, but they've been from plus-sized women and the logistics of it just doesn't work. Some guys will say, "More cushion for the pushin'" but when you're already cushioned (ie outrageously oversized) sex with a big girl is like slamming two marshmallows together —it doesn't really accomplish much. If the damn doctors and insurance agencies would quit giving me the run around maybe I could get this surgery and get started losing weight. I've been able to cut the sodas out. Used to drink 1-3 a day, now I'm at 1-2 a week, sometimes none a week. But I'm a stress eater and man has life been stressful since taking this promotion. I've put on 35 pounds in the last year. Grrr.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


I've never told anyone this, but just a few hours before that big earthquake hit Chile a few years ago, I fell down. I'm not sure they're related, but somehow I feel responsible.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Kids... sheesh

So I walk into an elementary school the other day to shoot some photos of the first day of the school year. Walk into a first grade classroom. This little boy is coloring right in front of me. He looks up, screams, falls out of his chair and stares at me in what I suspect was mock horror. Then he says, "Wow. You're huge." Thanks kid. I didn't know that. His teacher, first hearing his scream looks over in dismay and then after his cheeky comment gets a look of disapproval on her face, but says nothing. So I lean over and quietly say, "Do you want to be this big someday?" The kid shakes his head in the negative. "Well then, be sure and eat lots of crayons. I never ate any as a kid and this is what happened." He was half way through a 24-count Crayola box when I left.

Disclaimer: This story is mostly true. :)

The worst sound

The laughter after you sit down in a chair that breaks under your weight isn't the worst sound. The worst is hearing someone say, "Don't worry. It will hold you." about five seconds before you hit the ground.

Getting cold

People think that because you're fat you shouldn't get cold. "You have all that insulation," they'll say. Idiots. There's more of me to get cold!

Friday, August 16, 2013


Me: Someday, someone will write a book about my life.
My "friend:" Yeah, and they'll call it, "A Fridge Too Far."

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Mysterious water

I've started trying to swim for exercise. It is low impact, which is great for outrageously oversized people, plus it is way more fun than running, walking or lifting heavy weights. However, the other day I waddled out of the pool into the men's locker room and bent over to take off my swim trunks. As I did, from nowhere a half of cup of water splashed on the floor at my feet. I froze in terror. I had no idea where all this water suddenly came from. I knew it was impossible, but for a second I thought I might be pregnant and my water had just broke. Where did all this water come from?! After a few moments of unrequisite terror and alarm it dawned on me... my belly button. I'd just been carried a child's sippy-cup full of water from the pool to the locker room without spilling it...until I bent over. Suddenly I was very glad no one was around. Now I'm starting to wonder what else I can store in there....

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

One Size

One size fits all? My fat butt! They don't even make baseball caps that fit me.

Fat guy sex

What's the best part about sex with a fat guy? You can write it off as a charitable donation. Anyone want to get started on their tax write-offs early?

Salad vs. Hamburgers

Skinny people want to blame fat people for being fat, but it's so darn easy to get there. Went to Wendy's the other day. I could get 5 juicy, fattening hamburgers off the dollar menu and a small Frosty for the same price as one salad that would leave me hungry 30 minutes later. Since when did lettuce cost so much? Sheesh.

Man boobs. Sheesh

I went to the pool the other day, walked out of the dressing room and suddenly felt lewd. My boobs were bigger than those of 90 percent of the girls there and I wasn't wearing a bikini top.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

All my blubbery brothers out that might can sympathize. You're fat, you're in a hurry and you flop down on the pot just a little too fast and "BAM!" You catch one of "the twins" a'tween the seat and a flabby thigh. If at that point your brain functioned at all you'd be caught in the dilemma: "Do I keep sitting here in pain or stand up and splatter the wall like a monster truck in a mud-bogging competition?" There's never enough wet wipes.
A "jolly, old fat guy." Yeah, someone was smoking some sh*t when they dreamed that up.
One of the worst parts about being fat and traveling (besides the tiny airplane bathrooms) is packing. My ex-wife was tiny. She could fill her carry-on with enough clothes for a 3 month safari. My luggage looks like Tom Hank's raft in Joe Vs. the Volcano and that's just three pair of underwear and some socks.

Thought for the Day:

You know you've got an eating disorder when you're 400 pounds and marry a woman whose name is Jelly. True story.